Douglas Lind, MD

Managing Director, Biomark Capital
Dr. Douglas Lind’s 25-year career in the life sciences industry has ranged from the practice of clinical medicine to working as a top-tier Wall Street equity research analyst and venture capitalist. His coverage of large and small capitalization biotechnology companies has included Amgen, Biogen, Celera (acquired by Quest Diagnostics), Centocor (acquired by Johnson & Johnson), Chiron (acquired by Novartis), IDEC Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Biogen), ImClone (acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb), MedImmune (acquired by AstraZeneca), Agouron (acquired by Warner Lambert), Axys Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Celera) and Millennium Pharmaceuticals (acquired by Takeda Pharmaceuticals). Douglas studied at the University of Iowa College of Medicine and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Boston, where he later served as an attending physician. He serves on the board of directors of Opus Bio, Strand Life Sciences and HyperMed.